Catastrophic and Severe Injuries Attorney in Bozeman, Montana
Accidents can occur in many different circumstances, and sometimes individuals may suffer catastrophic injuries that affect them for the remainder of their lives. Catastrophic injuries create profound effects on an injured victim’s life. Invasive surgeries, medical care, and rehabilitative therapy are often necessary to treat catastrophic injuries. The following are examples of catastrophic injuries:
- Fourth-degree burns
- Spinal cord injuries
- Disfigurement
- Traumatic brain injuries
Catastrophic injuries can cause permanent or temporary disability. Also, an injured victim who suffers catastrophic injuries can have difficulty finding employment. Many individuals who suffer catastrophic injuries may be unable to lead independent lives.

Future Medical Costs Related to Catastrophic Injuries
Injured victims may need ongoing medical care for years. The costs associated with this medical care can overwhelm some victims and their family members. Future treatment for catastrophic injuries may consist of the following:
- Surgeries
- Appointments with physicians
- Hospice care
- Medical testing
A Montana personal injury attorney can help you coordinate your treatment plan with physical therapists, doctors, and medical specialists. The following factors can affect the amount of medical care an injured victim may need in the future:
- Life expectancy
- Treatment goals
- The injured victim’s age
Market fluctuations and alterations in medical treatment procedures can also affect the costs of future medical care. An injured victim who suffers permanent disability will have to change their lifestyle. These lifestyle changes can affect the damages claimed in a catastrophic injury case.
Work Limitations Due to Catastrophic Injuries
Some individuals who suffer catastrophic injuries may be unable to return to work due to their injuries. You are able to claim lost earnings, lost future earnings, and other damages as part of your personal injury case.
You can claim lost earnings even if you worked part-time prior to the date of your injury. You can seek financial compensation for the amount of missed overtime hours, vacation days, and accrued paid time off. Speaking with a personal injury attorney can help you understand how these factors relate to your case.
It is important that you seek the assistance of a personal injury attorney to help you prove to the court that you missed work due to your injuries. You will also need to determine how much money you could have made if you had not suffered catastrophic injuries.
Collecting pay stubs, W2 forms, and other employment documents can help you determine the amount of damages to claim in your case.
Insurance Settlement Offers in Catastrophic Injury Cases
You should not accept an insurance settlement offer before you speak with a knowledgeable personal injury attorney. Most insurance companies will offer low settlement amounts during the initial stages of a catastrophic injury case. Also, many of these offers do not provide for future losses or pain and suffering.
You may be entitled to additional financial compensation, and therefore you need to consult with a personal injury attorney before you accept any settlement offer. If you retain legal representation, it is possible for your attorney to negotiate for a higher settlement offer.