Dog Bite Injuries Attorney in Bozeman, Montana

Many individuals and families in Montana have wonderful relationships with their canine companions. However, dogs can be unpredictable. More than 4.5 million people per year are bitten by dogs in the United States. In 2021, there were approximately 81 fatal dog attacks. Children are the most common dog bite victims. Children are also far more likely to be severely injured by a dog. If you or your loved one suffered a dog bite injury, then you may need to seek the assistance of a skilled personal injury lawyer who has experience with dog bite claims. 

Dog bite injuries can lead to severe infections and scarring. Dog bite injuries can cause victims, particularly child victims, to experience post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety. Also, a person who witnesses a family member being attacked by a canine may also suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. The medical bills and rehabilitative treatment associated with a dog bite injury can cause financial insecurity and psychological distress. 

You can seek monetary compensation for your dog bite injuries. It is possible that many parties may be liable for your injuries. These include the owner or occupier of the land where the dog bite occurred, as well as the owner of the dog. It is also possible for you to seek financial compensation from your insurance company. 

dog bite

Different Types of Dog Bite Injuries 

Thousands of people seek medical treatment for dog injuries each year in the United States. The majority of dog bite injury victims are senior citizens and children. These vulnerable individuals cannot defend themselves against dog attacks. Unfortunately, some dog bite injury victims die due to their injuries. Some of the most common types of dog bite injuries include the following: 

Rabies: Rabid dogs are extremely dangerous. If it is not possible to test the dog for rabies, then the dog bite injury victim must receive rabies treatment which consists of multiple injections. Treatment must be provided to the victim immediately after the dog bite. 

Traumatic brain injuries: A dog may bite a victim on their head. Other victims may fall on the ground during a dog bite attack. Many dog bite victims experience both minor and severe traumatic brain injuries. 

Bone fractures: A victim may fall down during a dog attack and suffer a bone fracture. Specific dog breeds may be able to fracture bones when they bite a victim. These dog bite victims must seek medical treatment as soon as possible after suffering a dog bite injury.